Saturday, June 13, 2009

May 30th-My Neighborhood

This has to be the best Storm event, here in my State, so far. This happened on Saturday May 30th, a couple hours after I had made it back home from my first day on my new job...

At about 8pm that night, some really awesome supercells moved in on Speedway Indiana, to pay us a well-deserved visit, Tornado sirens and all. It was basically awesome, because we didnt have to head out far at all. We primarily stayed at home, on the front lawn, with cameras pointing at the sky and nader-sirens blaring...Everyone else of course stayed indoors, and probably figured we were mad. Gary got up on the roof of the house to get some of these pics.

That was just the start...

At about 9pm, we decided to head out to the coke-lot to get a better look at things. We jumped in the car and headed north of the neighborhood, to the coke lot.
We saw some very questionable structure once down there, It turned out to be a wall-cloud. Anyone else probably would of had it down as a wedge. I knew it wasnt, as there was no signs of rotation, and the only thing to fool me were the trees that were hindering my view. Anyway, I got one or two shots of it, cos it looked kinda cool. Also I took some photos of the big meso to the east of it, which hung over the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for a while.

(Note; I hate my camera. I am still using point and shoot compact and a cellphone (Blackberry) quality sucks!
This time next season I will be the proud owner of the Nikon D90...worry not!!)

...And this time next season, I will be out on the plains a lot more, too!

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