Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Something I wrote ages ago:-

I go for miles to find you
On the chase for weeks on end
To be wrapped up in your awesome beauty
And awestruck by your ferocity
Such a beautiful entity
So powerful and frightening
Yet so amazing and beautiful
I chase for miles state after state
Watching the clouds and watching the sky..
I go for weeks if not years without seeing you
But I know my hunting will not always be in vain
I wish to watch you tear across the plains
With your destructive beauty and your fearful wrath
Because while I fear your destruction and deadly winds
Your beauty and power are what draws me to you
I somehow wish I could be picked up by you

And taken on a journey for miles and miles
But I know that is a death wish
As I know no tornado will put me down safely!
Everyone runs from you
I want to run to you.. beautiful tornado..
One day I will see you
Whether I live to tell the tale or no
I'll still chase long days on the highways
Surrounded by burning sun and fields of corn
And prairies that stretch out forever and ever

Wondering if at the end I will find my perfect storm
...And my perfect tornado..
Wondering if I will live to share my experience
With any one other than my self..
Or perhaps just the Tornado..

The only one who will be the last to see me
Under this big dark stormy sky..

...Take me away..

Lucy Blinebury 2008

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. Love your form. A chaser and a poet. Kudos!
